While this adventure is something that we took on willingly, our daughter didn’t ask for such a big project and change. And while kids are resilient, the truth is change is hard.
To help our daughter with the transition, we asked for her input on the house plans. You can see her drawing of our future home below, submarine-style. Her room is at the top.
While we’re not able to accommodate the overall shape, we LOVE her circle window idea. We incorporated her detail at the entry of our home. If you squint and open your imagination, you can see the porthole effect. Okay, not really - but, we’re thrilled to have her creativity and buy-in as we move forward.
Excavation begins. The culvert is delivered and ready to be placed underground.
Seeing the progress and getting a chance to walk around the construction site seems to be helping our daughter develop a context for everything. And while she probably wishes it would all stay a giant playground of dirt piles, she is showing some interest and even excitement about our family project. Whew!
Fun times on the rock pile.